Temporary Widows: The Hidden Side of Incarceration
When I use the term 'temporary widows,' people often look puzzled at first. Yet this reality faces millions of American families today. While military wives find support in their community, prison wives often walk a similar path alone. They face the same daily challenges of running a household solo, but instead of a supportive community, they often face isolation and stigma. While military wives are honored for their sacrifice, prison wives rarely raise their hand in church to ask for help.
The Unseen Story--A Picture of Grace
I recently joined Adam Fish as a guest on his podcast, The Unseen Story. He’s also posted a transcript here.
The content that made it to the final podcast is only a portion of all that we discussed during our time together. That’s to be expected, of course, but it’s interesting to me how certain elements of our story shine brighter in different contexts.
Are you wiling to partner with us?
We now want to help churches everywhere to care for other temporary widows and orphans in the same way that Christ-followers cared for my family while I was in prison. Are you willing to become a monthly partner and give financially to support our efforts?
This is how we fight our battles
What do you picture when you hear the words “spiritual warfare”?
I don’t know about you, but I have always thought about violent scenes between angels and demons, or maybe something out of the movie The Exorcist or The Omen. I mean, warfare means there’s a fight, right? And probably somebody dying?
It's Official! (And some other news...)
Well, it’s official! About a month or so ago, we formally organized Qavah Ministries as a nonprofit organization in the great State of Texas! It just got real!
Forming the (meta) narrative
Our prison experience, and more precisely, how the Body of Christ came beside our family and helped us, is the foundation for all we do at Qavah Ministries.
The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon?
Otherwise known as the “frequency illusion” or “recency illusion,” the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon occurs when the thing you’ve just seen, noticed, or heard about suddenly crops up everywhere.
Spinning the flywheel
The flywheel of support starts spinning as soon as the need is discovered, and the church walks beside the family as healing occurs.
Prison Ministry Reimagined
When you think prison ministry, what image comes to mind? If you’re like most Christians, you might envision visiting a jail on the outskirts of town, perhaps leading a Bible study or prayer meeting with six or eight inmates dressed in orange jumpers.